Capacity building & OpenSource communities to realize mobile and secure applications for improving public health using satellite based navigation systems
Herbert Thielen
Presentation: 29.10.2013, 08:25 am [Video]
Discussion: 29.10.2013, 08:40 am [Discussion]
This presentation aims at capacity building and OpenSource communities that contribute to the public health objectives as proposed at the AT6FUI Virtual Conference 2012. The proposed concept joins educational objectives with capacity building for the public health risk mitigation program. The low cost tracking framework suggested in 2012 which enables crowdsourcing and GPS pseudo measurement for public health uses, could be implemented as open source software by students attending our bachelor resp.\ master courses. In the fall term 2012, the faculty of Computer Science at Worms University of Applied Sciences started a new master course Mobile Computing and at the same time a reworked bachelor course Applied Computer Science. Most of the fields of knowledge in Computer Science which are needed for building such a tracking system are part of our bachelor and/or master course:
- programming, networking and database skills are CS fundamentals
- security considerations (networking and programming), digital signatures, asymmetric cryptography and public key infrastructures are addressed in several study modules
- the challenges of effective and efficient team work are focused both in the bachelor course (Team Oriented Software Project) and the master course (System Development Project)
- \item additional development resources are available in the Bachelor resp. Master Thesis