Table of Contents
- Feedback and Comments AT6FUI 2012
- AT6FUI Questionnaire for Optimization
- Submission of AT6FUI Recommendations for AT6FUI Report 2013
Freqently Asked Question
How can I contributed AT6FUI?
Is it possible to donate money to AT6FUI?
Is is possible to access the feedback for optimization of AT6FUI Workshop Pilots?
I am not able to share my Expertise to an Open Community Approach, can I still benefit from the Open Resources?
- If you have created a AT6FUI contribution (e.g. Case Study of a Living Lab for using Space Technology via Smart Phones for Public Health Risk Mitigation) publish that with an "Unapproved Resource" tag
- Unapproved Resource Tag #AT6FUI#UR#CA#2013-10-28# (CA=Canada Country Abbreviation)
- AT6FUI is a small member state activity. So member states e.g. Public Health Agencies can look for these resources and could initiated a quality assurance of these resources. A positive evaluation could lead to integration in Public Health Risk Mitigation Strategies.
- Member States report and make statements in UNOOSA Scientific and Technical Subcommittee and Approved Resources will be communicate at AT6FUI side meeting. Unapproved resources are subject to improvement on AT6FUI workshop and pilot studies for Public Health Risk Mitigation.
Is it possible to donate money to AT6FUI?
- No, if you want to donate money please consider to donate the money to Open Source or Open Content Communities that contribute to Public Health RIsk Mitigation.
- E.g. support OSgeo if you want to improve the use of Open Source GIS tool for public health risk mitigation.
Is is possible to access the feedback for optimization of AT6FUI Workshop Pilots?
- The feedback is public, so that other organizers of Virtual Meetings can benefit from the Virtual Meetings with Local and Regional Meeting Points
- Feedback 2012 AT6FUI Meeting is available on the Web.
I am not able to share my Expertise to an Open Community Approach, can I still benefit from the Open Resources?
- "I am working in a Agency/Institute that is competing with other institutes for funding. If we provide our expertise as capacity building material under an Open Content License we will loose our advantage in the certain area of expertise as a Unique Selling Position. So it is impossible to share our expertise to developing countries.
Will it be possible to use OpenSource and OpenContent Material?- YES, you can use OpenSource, OpenContent for the agency or institution for your purpose.
- YES, your effort is welcome especially when you contribute to public health risk mitigation in developing countries.
- NO, if you plan to sell derived products of the open sources, because most OpenSource OpenContent Licenses will not allow to sell derived work. All open sources should remain free and open for all member states of the United Nations.
- If you have published a paper contributing to public health risk mitigation, add a summarizing sentence with citation in Wikipedia in appropriate Wikipedia articles
- Contribute to Quality Assurance in Wikipedia with your Expertise
- Create Tailored Book: Most capacity building material at a multidisciplinary interface between One Health and Space Technology needs material tailored to the requirements and constraints of the User. How do we get these tailored tailored books for capacity building or how can we create these?.
- YES, you can create individualized books tailored to requirements and contstraints of the users, respectively the user profile (see Spatial Public Health Youtube Video on Creating a Wiki-Book in 15min)