United Nations COPUOS
General Assembly
REPORT COPUOS 2015 A/AC.105/1091
Special report of the Inter-Agency Meeting on Outer Space Activities on the use of space science and technology within the United Nations system for global health COPUOS 2015 A/AC.105/L.297 p.6 item 22 The Working Group of the Whole further agreed that the preparatory work for 2018 could benefit from the work of the expert group on space and global health and the proposed new thematic priority for the United Nations Programme on Space Applications: space technologies for monitoring and protecting biodiversity and ecosystems (A/AC.105/C.1/2015/CRP.31). |
Establishment of Expert Focus Group
Establishment of Working Group p.4 item 13 (i) In this context, the special report of UN-Space on space for global health (A/AC.105/1091) prepared by the Office for Outer Space Affairs, in cooperation with the World Health Organization, the Cartographic Section of the Department of Field Support and the secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, serves as a contribution to the work of the newly established expert groups of the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee on space and global health and on space weather, and for the preparations of the “UNISPACE+50” theme of the Committee and its subsidiary bodies. |