Community of Practice - Health and Space Technology
GEO Health - Community of Practice
The GEO-Health Comunity of Practice is a collaborative effort, that is operational with the contributions of world-leading experts in the fields of Earth observations (NASA), medicine and health (WHO), IEEE as global technical community to foster innovation and excellence in technology for the benefit of humanity, WMO Word Meterological Organisation due the link to health (air pollution, heat stress, ...) and .US Global Change Research for decision-making, adaptation strategies and management in the context of global challenges (Climate Change). These experts from governments, organizations, and communities around the world work to improve the collection, analyses, and distribution of observations, data products, and services for decision-makers.
Humanitarian Openstreetmap Team
Humanitarian Openstreetmap Team HOT addresses the link between between humanitarian support and spatial information to optimize hhumanitarian response e.g. to disasters. HOT is an international team dedicated to humanitarian actions and community development through open mapping and user-driven innovation to map relevant mapping data that support spatial decision support in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals.
People and Interfaces to AT6FUI
Agencies and Institutions
Explore Institions that support Risk Mitigation.
Explore Institions that support Risk Mitigation.
- La Isla Foundation (Public Health and Policy NGO - Chronic Kidney Disease of non-traditional causes) (>2014/09)
- Humanitarian GIS-Maps: Humanitarian OpenStreetmap (Mapping to Support an Open Community for Risk Mitigation)
- Global Health: CAGH Centre for Advancements of Global Health India
- Geospatial Software & Data: Open Source Geospatial Foundation
Here you can explore people and their expertise, you might want to link to.
Here you can explore people and their expertise, you might want to link to.
- Jun-Prof. Dr. Tobias Rothmund (Media and Social Justice)
- Prof. Dr. Melanie Platz (Adaptive Decision Support on Mobile Devices, Organisation AT6FUI Meetings)
- Dr. Alex Ribo (INS El Salvador - Organisation Regional Meeting Points AT6FUI Meetings)
- Prof. Dr. Chandana Unnithan (Health Informatics), Professor, Torrens University Australia
- Kate Chapman ( Director - Humanitarian Open Streetmap)
- Dr. Markus Neteler (GRASS-GIS Developer - GiS Mapping of Enviromental and Diseases)
- Dr. Ajit Babu (Director, Center for Advancement of Global Health (CAGH), India.
- Prof Dr. Biju Soman (Collaborator of CAGH) working at Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences & Technology under Department of Science & Technology, Government of India.