Green Open Access - Concept
The primary motivation of Open Access was
- to provide Open Access to Knowledge for the READER of Publications and
- to allow Open Access to AUTHORS Publication Opportunities (unbiased publication of Knowledge)
Scientific Roles
Publication Management
In general conferences are managed with IT infrastructure (e.g. Open Source Conference Management System CMS or webbased Services without the need host a server for the conference itself). Relevant features of CMS for Publication Management are:
Open Versioning of Papers
Transparent Versioning of Publication development can be performed with versioning systems. Similar to the Open Source Development of Software Paper development can be transparent itsself. All versions are visible and the contributions of authors are tracked automatically.
"Who contribute, where and when?" can be answered by the versioning system. The acknowledgements of a paper could provide credits to other contributors on an idea anyway if they are not contributing directly to the improvement of a paper. Prospective ratio of authors that want this open strategy for publication seems to similar to the Open Source Communities 1 out of 1000 (e.g. with free GitHub repositories). |
Green Open Access vs. Commercial Open Access Strategies
Commercial Publishers need to create income for the company, so it necessary to charge someone for the publications and the reviewing work provide by the scientific community to the companies:
- charge either the Reader of publications,
- the Authors of publications by publication fees (e.g in Gold Open Access),
- or the Institutions the Authors works for.