General Objectives AT6FUI
Public Health Objective: Risk Mitigation for people exposed to public health risks that show a spatial pattern/processes or for which spatial operations for an optimized allocation of and access to public health resources are needed.
Main Workshop Objective: The Workshop/Expert Meeting is a pilot for establishing an OpenCommunity Framework for accomplishing the Public Health Objective. The OpenCommunity will operate much like an OpenSource Community for 3 years (proof of concept).
Objective at Interface to WHO: Establish a Workflow for Capacity Building Programme (OpenContent) and Quality Assurance for Public Health Risk Mitigation with Application of Space Technology - structural equivalent with selected WHO Capacity Building Programmes
(Najeeb Al-Shorbaji /Ramesh Krsihnamurthy - WHO)
Objective of Generic Type of Virtual Conferences with Local (LMP) or Regional Meeting Points (RMP): The Workshop/Expert Meeting is a pilot to check the advantages and challenges of Low-Cost Meeting for minimizing the travel expenses for participants to join and presenters of a talk on one side and providing the benefits for face to face communication at local or regional networks nodes. Meeting of smaller groups will be located at those LMPs or RMPs where the travel expenses and the carbon footprint will be minimized.
- Research (Spatial Patterns and Spatial Processes of Public Health/One Health Risks and allocation of Resources according to risk)
Milestones are publications that identify effects and risk mitigation strategies in union with a Digital Research Product that can be integrated in a Spatial Decision Support System (SDSS). - Implementation (Living Labs, WHO Capacity Building, Health Service Delivery, NGO, ...)
Milestones are sustainable implementation that mitigate public health risks. - Technology (Application of Space Technology Products in GIS and GIS/GPS-tailored public health risk mitigation support for Mobile Devices)
- Open Community Approach (Open Access to a joint repository of resources for risk mitigation, Application of Open Source Software and Open Content)
Main Workshop Objective: The Workshop/Expert Meeting is a pilot for establishing an OpenCommunity Framework for accomplishing the Public Health Objective. The OpenCommunity will operate much like an OpenSource Community for 3 years (proof of concept).
Objective at Interface to WHO: Establish a Workflow for Capacity Building Programme (OpenContent) and Quality Assurance for Public Health Risk Mitigation with Application of Space Technology - structural equivalent with selected WHO Capacity Building Programmes
(Najeeb Al-Shorbaji /Ramesh Krsihnamurthy - WHO)
Objective of Generic Type of Virtual Conferences with Local (LMP) or Regional Meeting Points (RMP): The Workshop/Expert Meeting is a pilot to check the advantages and challenges of Low-Cost Meeting for minimizing the travel expenses for participants to join and presenters of a talk on one side and providing the benefits for face to face communication at local or regional networks nodes. Meeting of smaller groups will be located at those LMPs or RMPs where the travel expenses and the carbon footprint will be minimized.