Chronic Kidney Disease Hits Agricultural Communities - 2014/04
MEDICC Review devotes an entire issue to Chronic Kidney Disease research
This April has been published a monographic issue of MEDICC Review online (ISSN 1527-3172), an open access scientific publication, about Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) of nontraditional causes. CKD was one of the important topics considered in the last two AT6FUI meetings (2012 and 2013). In these meetings the Salvadoran researcher Carlos Orantes and his team of the National Institute of Health of El Salvador ( presented some results about their multidisciplinary research and caused an interesting discussion among several participants. This type of CKD is not associated to diabetes mellitus or hypertension and affects agricultural communities of El Salvador in endemic and epidemic proportions. Nowadays in El Salvador, this illness is the third cause of hospital deaths and the first place among men. Similar nephropathies have been identified in other countries as Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Mexico, Sri Lanka Egypt and India. The disease appears to be associated with factors including environmental contaminants (most likely agrochemicals) and occupational risks (poor working conditions and insufficient water intake while working in high temperatures), among others. Among the recommendations devised in 2013 AT6FUI meeting was considered that CKD is a major Health Problem that needs the Link between Environmental Health and Human/Public Health and therefore the Spatial Epidemiology and Spatial Ecotoxicology are essential issues to the characterization the several causes of this illness.
This MEDICC Review issue (April 2014, Vol 16, No 2 and available at is titled Chronic Kidney Disease Hits Agricultural Communities and contents papers of authors from Sri Lanka, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Cuba, Mexico, Italy and the USA and presents a global view of this illness and the latest research and perspectives on clinical characterization, histopathology, spatial distribution and potential risk factors of this disease.
GEONEFROSALVA, a spatial database for Chronic Kidney Disease research.
The researchers of National Health Institute of El Salvador ( presented a preview of GEONEFROSALVA, a complex spatial database built in open source software (PostgreSQL and Postgis) developed for the Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) research in El Salvador, in 8as Jornadas SIG Libre (March from 26th to 28th, 2014) .
The 8as Jornadas SIG Libre is one of the more important meetings about Open Source GIS in the Spanish Speaking world (
The presented paper shows the GEONEFROSALVA design, a complex spatial database built by information stemmed from different sources (environmental analysis carried out by Ministry of Health of El Salvador, data from Environment and Natural Resources Ministry of El Salvador and scientific literature and epidemiological and clinical data from Ministry of Health of El Salvador). This database is an essential tool to causal characterization of CKD of nontraditional causes. This disease that affects agricultural communities of El Salvador in endemic and epidemic proportions was one of the discussion topics in the AT6FUI meeting in 2013. GEONEFROSALVA database constitutes the necessary link between Environmental Health and Human/Public Health that was proposed in the recommendations in the past AT6FUI meeting. You can download the paper ( and the slides (
A new International Scientific Meeting in Central America about Water resources
International scientific meetings are scarce in Central America, especially about environmental topics, so the I Congreso International del Agua, Siguatepeque, Honduras (22th-24th of May)
( is very welcomed.
Researchers from the National Health Institute of El Salvador together with Dra. Dina L. López from Ohio University (USA) will travel to Honduras to present in this event the lasts results about heavy metal pollution in Salvadoran waters and the possible links of this pollution with Chronic Kidney Disease. These results complements at national scale the woks presented in the 2013 AT6FUI meeting about Bajo Lempa.
This April has been published a monographic issue of MEDICC Review online (ISSN 1527-3172), an open access scientific publication, about Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) of nontraditional causes. CKD was one of the important topics considered in the last two AT6FUI meetings (2012 and 2013). In these meetings the Salvadoran researcher Carlos Orantes and his team of the National Institute of Health of El Salvador ( presented some results about their multidisciplinary research and caused an interesting discussion among several participants. This type of CKD is not associated to diabetes mellitus or hypertension and affects agricultural communities of El Salvador in endemic and epidemic proportions. Nowadays in El Salvador, this illness is the third cause of hospital deaths and the first place among men. Similar nephropathies have been identified in other countries as Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Mexico, Sri Lanka Egypt and India. The disease appears to be associated with factors including environmental contaminants (most likely agrochemicals) and occupational risks (poor working conditions and insufficient water intake while working in high temperatures), among others. Among the recommendations devised in 2013 AT6FUI meeting was considered that CKD is a major Health Problem that needs the Link between Environmental Health and Human/Public Health and therefore the Spatial Epidemiology and Spatial Ecotoxicology are essential issues to the characterization the several causes of this illness.
This MEDICC Review issue (April 2014, Vol 16, No 2 and available at is titled Chronic Kidney Disease Hits Agricultural Communities and contents papers of authors from Sri Lanka, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Cuba, Mexico, Italy and the USA and presents a global view of this illness and the latest research and perspectives on clinical characterization, histopathology, spatial distribution and potential risk factors of this disease.
GEONEFROSALVA, a spatial database for Chronic Kidney Disease research.
The researchers of National Health Institute of El Salvador ( presented a preview of GEONEFROSALVA, a complex spatial database built in open source software (PostgreSQL and Postgis) developed for the Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) research in El Salvador, in 8as Jornadas SIG Libre (March from 26th to 28th, 2014) .
The 8as Jornadas SIG Libre is one of the more important meetings about Open Source GIS in the Spanish Speaking world (
The presented paper shows the GEONEFROSALVA design, a complex spatial database built by information stemmed from different sources (environmental analysis carried out by Ministry of Health of El Salvador, data from Environment and Natural Resources Ministry of El Salvador and scientific literature and epidemiological and clinical data from Ministry of Health of El Salvador). This database is an essential tool to causal characterization of CKD of nontraditional causes. This disease that affects agricultural communities of El Salvador in endemic and epidemic proportions was one of the discussion topics in the AT6FUI meeting in 2013. GEONEFROSALVA database constitutes the necessary link between Environmental Health and Human/Public Health that was proposed in the recommendations in the past AT6FUI meeting. You can download the paper ( and the slides (
A new International Scientific Meeting in Central America about Water resources
International scientific meetings are scarce in Central America, especially about environmental topics, so the I Congreso International del Agua, Siguatepeque, Honduras (22th-24th of May)
( is very welcomed.
Researchers from the National Health Institute of El Salvador together with Dra. Dina L. López from Ohio University (USA) will travel to Honduras to present in this event the lasts results about heavy metal pollution in Salvadoran waters and the possible links of this pollution with Chronic Kidney Disease. These results complements at national scale the woks presented in the 2013 AT6FUI meeting about Bajo Lempa.