This page acknowledges the contributions to the Open Community Approach or related
efforts for Risk Mitigation in Health Domain in an Open Way in your Institution or Project.
efforts for Risk Mitigation in Health Domain in an Open Way in your Institution or Project.
Acknowledgement to Organisations and Institutions
- UNOOSA: United Nations Office of Outer Space Affairs - Programme on Space Applications
(Contact: Sergei Chernikov) - PHAC: Public Health Agency Canada (Contact and Chair Steering Committee: Prof. Dr. Pascal Michel)
- WHO: World Health Organisation - Support and Advice at Interface between Health & Space Tech (Dr. Najeeb Al-Shorbaji, Dr. Ramesh Krishnamurthy)
- UN-SPIDER - for Hosting AT6FUI Workshop in Bonn 2012 (Contact: Dr. Juan Carlos Villagran)
- UNU: United Nations University - Support and Advice (Contact: Dr. Jörg Szarzinsky)
- UKL: University Koblenz Landau Support of AT6FUI - Prof. Dr. Roman Heiligenthal President - Prof. Dr. Ralf Schulz & Vize President of the University Koblenz Landau
- OSGEO: Open Source Geospatial Foundation - Geographic Information Systems - VP VP, GRASS GIS: Markus Neteler
- CSIR: Concil of Science and Industrial Research, Pretoria, South Africa - Living Labs Southern Africa & Application on Health (Contact: Prof. Dr. Dr. Marlien Herselman)
- Achutha Menon Centre for Health Science Studies - Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology, Trivandrum, India (Contact & Member of Steering Committee: Dr. Biju Soman (MBBS, MD, DPH, MSc.CID, DLSHTM
- CAGH Centre for Advancements in Global Health India (Contact: Prof. Dr. Ajit N. Babu)
- INS: Instituto Nacional de Salud - El Salvador, Supporting Institutions Agency
- Health Ministery of El Salvador - Maria Isabel Rodriguez (Support & Advice RMP)
- Embassy of El Salvador in Germany - Lic Anita Escher Echevarria - (Support & Advice - bilateral Germany-El Savador)
- Embassy of Germany in El Salvador (Lic. Heinrich Haupt)
- ESPI European Space Policy Insitute (especially Humanitarian Telemedicine)
Support Open Community Approach 2016
- Prof. Dr. Antoine Geissbuhler. (Co-Chair Expert Focus Group for Space and Global Health) Professor of Medicine. Department of Radiology and Medical Informatics University of Geneva, - WHO Collaboration Centre on eHealth and telemedicine)
Support Open Community Approach 2015
- Dr. Pascal Michel (Public Health Agency Canada) Expert Focus Group on Space and Global Health
- Dr. Adele Botha (CSIR - South Africa for the Open Certification System for XBAD).
- Prof. Dr. Marlien Herselman - CSIR - South Africa for Living Lab Support including LLinES.
- Dipl. Inf. Linus Felten and Team (University of Freiburg - Capacity Building Support and IT-Infrastructure with SMILE)
- Dr. Walter Schreiber (University Koblenz-Landau) - Software Support Mobile Data Collection e-Question)
- Benjamin Berg (SDAPS Germany - Automated Mark Recognition for Paper and Pencil Questionnaires)
- Dr. Stefan Voigt (DLR - Germany support for Standards for Open Geo Data)
- Black Giradot (Humanitarian Open Street Map - HOT-Support for Malaria)
Support Open Community Approach 2014
- Dr. Biju Soman - Organisation AT6FUI Event 2014 -RMP India
(MBBS, MD, DPH, MSc.CID, DLSHTM Associate Professor, Achutha Menon Centre for Health Science Studies
Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences & Technology, Trivandrum, India) - Prof. Dr. Ajit Babu - Organisation AT6FUI Event 2014 -RMP India
(Center for Advancement of Global Health CAGH, India) - Alexandre Ribo INS: Instituto Nacional de Salud, Regional Meeting Point Organisation 2014
- Dr. Walter Schreiber (University Koblenz-Landau) - Software Support Mobile Data Collection
Acknowledgement AT6FUI Workshops
Action Team 6 Follow-Up Event 2013
- Minister of Health - El Salvador - Maria Isabel Rodriguez
- Dra. Eliette Valladares INS: Instituto Nacional de Salud,
- Alexandre Ribo INS: Instituto Nacional de Salud, Regional Meeting Point Organisation
- Carlos Orantes Navarro: INS
- Embassador Anita Escher Echevarria
- Melanie Platz, IT-Backbone for the Conference, Conference Organization
- Matthias Größler, Jörg Rapp as Organizers of RMP Landau and IT Backbone of Meeting
- Maeggi Hieber Konstanz as Support Organisation
- Peter Grasch (Advice Application KDE Simon Speech Recognition)
- Vize President of the University Koblenz-Landau Prof. Dr. Ralf Schulz
- Jörg Szarzinsky (UNU Support Open Communíty Approach - Support Advice)
- María Isabel Rodriguez - Minister of Health of El Salvador
- Judith Ochoa - INS Social Communicator.Jorge Irazola - Asesor of Ministry of Health of El Salvador about International Cooperation
- Rafael Escoto - Professor of University of El Salvador
- Metzi Aguilar - Department of Technology and communications of Ministry of Health of El Salvador
- Alexandre Ribo - INS (Coordination RMP Interface Germany- El Salvador)
- Dr. Christiane Lechtenbörger (DLR)
Hosting the Action Team 6 Follow-Up Event 2012
organized by University Koblenz-Landau in cooperation with UN-OOSA
The workshop was originally planned to be held at the University of Koblenz-Landau. Due to time constraints for necessary Host Country Aggreement for the conference location after the final decisions at the Side Meeting at UN COPUOS S&T 2012/02 UN-SPIDER made this event possible by hosting AT6FUI at the UN-Campus. Action Teams are UN-Member States Activities and not part of UN-SPIDER Programme for Disaster Management. It was an incredible support with personal advice and the provision of the infrastructure at the UN-Campus in Bonn, that this event could be organized,
- Dr. Juan Carlos Villagran (UN-SPIDER)
- Dr. Robert Backhaus (UN-SPIDER)
- Peter Stumpf (UN-SPIDER)
- Sergei Chernikov (UN Programme on Space Application)
- Dr. Marzlan Orthman (Director UN-OOSA)
Acknowledgement for Support and Advice
- Dr. Pascal Michel (Public Health Agency Canada)
- Embassador Anita Escher Echevarria (Embassy of El Salvador in Germany)
- Dr. Mazlan Orthman (Director UN-OOSA Vienna)
- Prof. Dr. Roman Heiligenthal (President of University Koblenz-Landau)
- Sergei Chernikov (UNOOSA, Programme on Space Applications)
- Dr. Najeeb Al-Shorbaji (WHO)
- Dr. Ramesh Krishnamurthy (WHO)
- Dr. Robert Backhaus (UN-SPIDER)
- Dr. Juan-Carlos Villagran (UN-SPIDER)
- Peter Stumpf (UN-SPIDER IT-Support at UN-Campus Bonn)
- Christine Lemieux (CSA Canadian Space Agency)
- Gerhard Ackernann (Logistic Support Expert)
- Prof. Dr. Ralf Schulz (Ecotoxicology - University of Koblenz-Landau)
- Dipl. Psych. Nora Heyne (Psychology - University of Koblenz-Landau, Knowledge Management)
- Dr. Mäggi Hieber-Ruiz (Environmental Sciences - University of Kobenz-Landau)
- Dr. Jörg Szarsinsky (UN-University)
- Prof. Dr. Dr. Marlien Herselman (Living Lab Expert, Nelson-Mandela University & CSIR, South Africa)
- Dr. Markus Neteler (Geo OpenSource expert & head of the GIS and Remote Sensing Unit at Fondazione Edmund Mach, Italy)
- Dr. Biju Soman (MBBS, MD, DPH, MSc.CID, DLSHTM
Associate Professor, Achutha Menon Centre for Health Science Studies
Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences & Technology, Trivandrum, India) - Prof. Dr. Ajit Babu (Center for Advancement of Global Health CAGH, India)
- Dr. med R. Niehaus (Medical System Analysis)
- Dr. Info Dahn (IWM e-Learning University of Koblenz-Landau)
- Jun-Prof. Dr. Ralf Schäfer (University of Koblenz-Landau, Head: GeoStat2011)
- Dr. Christian Noss (University Koblenz Landau - Test Video Presentation on WlND0WS)
- Dipl. Ing. D. Niehaus (Data Structures for Logistics Decision Support)
- Dr. Annette Fröhlich (DLR until 2012, now ESPI)
- Ulrich Huth (DLR until 2010)
Support Team University Koblenz-Landau AT6FUI Bonn 2012
Special Thanks to the Support Team In Landau, great work of good team players:
- Dr. Mäggi Hieber-Ruiz
- Dr. Melanie Platz
- Dipl. Ing. Matthias Grössler
- Dipl. Uwi. Jörg Rapp
- Nikolai Staab
- Julian Lehman
- Alexander Auer
regards, Engelbert Niehaus (UKL)