Existing Projects to build on:
- AccessMod: WHO analytic tool for assessment of Access to Health Care Facilities
- Humanitarian OpenStreetMap: http://hotosm.org/
- OpenSeventeen (Open Contributions to 17 Sustainable Deveoplment Goal): http://openseventeen.org/
- Epicollect+ (Spatial Epidemiology): http://www.epicollect.net/
- GeoTag-X: http://www.geotagx.org/ supports crowd sourcing approaches to disaster relief efforts.
- Serval Project: http://www.servalproject.org/ Open Communication Infrastructure in rural areas - without the need of complex and costly IT-Communication Infrastructure.
- Crowdcrafting: https://crowdcrafting.org/ Crowd Crafting allows to creat your own Crowd Sourcing Porject to support the collection of Health related efforts and public risk mitigation strategies (e.g. Air Quality).