Post-AT6FUI 2016 - August 24-25 - Bonn
with FOSS4G Side Meeting - August 25
Information for Authors
The AT6FUI2016 Conference is designed as a Side Meeting of FOSS4G in Bonn 2016
Pilot for integration of paper submission to the Low-Cost Meeting Design. Registration of an AT6FUI Presentation (Video) and Article
If you plan to give a presentation on the AT6FUI meeting please use Easy Chair to submit an article (1 page or more) and provide your video (approx. 10 minutes) by sending a YouTube-link to the conference-organizers [email protected] after you uploaded it to YouTube or by providing your video-file (e.g. mp4) to the conference-organizers (e.g. via Dropbox).
Deadline for Video and Article: August 15