Easy Chair Tutorial
Account - Register for Conference - Submission of Paper
This document will find a short step-by-step tutorial for submission of the paper for the upcoming conference Post-AT6FUI.
Easy Chair Account
First of all you need an EasyChair account for registration as participant or author of a paper.
This is account is not conference specific. Get an EasyChair Account
So if you have an Easy Chair Account just press on the Easy Chair Login website for the conference.
Get an EasyChair Account
If you do not have an EasyChair Account press on Button get EasyChair Account answer the CAPTCHA question and provide your account details. A confirmation e-mail was send to you. Confirm e-mail by clicking on the confirmation link you some more personal data and your password which you are
using for the loginand proceed to Easy Chair Login. |
Submission of Paper
Please login to EasyChair Post-AT6FUI. After Login you will see the front page with the most important conference
information. To upload your Paper, follow the link “New Submission”. If you have not done this step before, you will be redirected to the EasyChair Terms of Service. It is necessary to agree with these terms in order to use EasyChair. Please read the terms of service and accept before uploading your paper. It is also possible to download the terms of service as PDF |
Video Presentation
The presentation at the conference will be a video presentation that is at the same time capacity building material,so that others interested people can view this video after the conference if they did not have the opportunity to join the conference. The videos will be used for wikiversity capacity building material, if they are published with a creative commons license (e.g. on Youtube see Youtube - Options).
The video can be see a 15min overview of you paper submission, that can attrack participants to read you paper in detail. If you want to submit a video see the Video Guide for Authors. |