AT6FUI, 2012, July, 30th
Introduction, Living Labs & Social Media
Programme at UN-Campus 2012 (Talks as Videos) AT6FUI = Action Team 6 Follow-Up Initiative
Main Flashmeeting: Start Page
Remark: The corresponding flashmeetings for the talks are linked for each presentation in the agenda as well (after the conference the flashmeetings were closed).
Pre-Conference Videos & Support Material
Main Flashmeeting: Start Page
Remark: The corresponding flashmeetings for the talks are linked for each presentation in the agenda as well (after the conference the flashmeetings were closed).
Pre-Conference Videos & Support Material
- Virtual Participation Mode: Combination of local Face to Face (F2F) discussions at Local or Regional Meeting Points (LMP/RMP) with international connectivity to other LMPs or RMPs. [Video]
- FlashMeeting Tutorial You do not need to register after the presentations, just enter your real name and enter the flashmeeting as guest. The Tutorial show the booking of the meeting as well, but you do not have to book a meeting just enter the relevant meeting that will be available from July 28, 2012 at Main Entrance Point to Flashmeetings. [Video]
- HowTo: Create a Video Presentation with ScreenCast Software (see additional information on creating a presentations) [Video]
- Download Videos: Due to network constraints at your Local or Regional Meeting Point (LMP/RMP) it might be reasonable to download all the web-based presentations and videos prior to the meeting and show them locally at LMP/RMP. [Video]You can download the videos on your local machine, if you use the Firefox-Add-On
to download the videos from the Spatial Public Health Youtube Channel
- 8:30am Open Flashmeeting
Meet other Participants from other Local or Regional Meeting Points - 9:00am Introductory Remarks AT6FUI (Prof. Dr. Engelbert Niehaus) [Video]
- 9:10am Welcome Opening (Prof. Dr. Ralf Schulz, Dean Department of Natural & Environmental Sciences, University Koblenz Landau) [Video]
- 9:20am Definition of Spatial Public Health (4min) in the Context of Spatial Decision Support Systems [Video]
- 9:25am Background UNISPACE III - AT6 and Survey AT6-Follow-Up Initiative [Video]
- 9:50am Introduction to Spatial Public Health & Space Technology by Prof. Dr. Pascal Michel (Public Health Agency Canada, University of Montreal)
- Part 1: Introduction to Spatial Epidemiology & Space Technology I [7min] [Video] [Presentation]
- Part 2: Introduction to Spatial Epidemiology & Space Technology II [5min] [Video]
- Flashmeeting with Prof. Dr. Pascal Michel (Public Health Agency, Canada)
- How to build on AT6 Results - Chair of AT6 was Canada, Co-Chair India
- Existing Network Infrastructure of AT6
- What is new from AT6 to AT6FUI ? What are the challenges and opportunities of an Open Community Approach?
- 10:30am Coffee Break (Flashmeeting is still open during Coffee Break)
- 11:00am Logistics in Public Health & Mobile Phones as Decision Support Client
- Part 1: Health & Logistics by Melanie Platz [Video]
- Part 2: Logistic Support Analysis application on Public Health by Matthias Größler [Video] [Presentation]
- Part 3: Adaptive GUI-Design tailored to User Groups for Public Health and Spatial Decision Support by Melanie Platz [Video][Presentation]
- Flashmeeting with Gehard Ackermann, Matthias Größler and Melanie Platz (Logistics, Germany)
- 12:00am LUNCH & (Flashmeeting is still open during to contact to participants)
- 1:00pm WHO - Capacity Building
- AGENDA CHANGED - Please download the following powerpoint presentation of Ramesh Krishnamurthy. Audio will come through FlashMeeting, change slides according to audio comment "next slide please".
- NOT USED: WHO performs Webinars with 1000 participants (Najeeb Al-Shorbaji Steering Committee) and free access to capacitiy building material for audio and the presentations.
- NOT USED: Part 1: Interface Analysis for Action Team 6 Follow-Up Initiative (15min) [Video]
- NOT USED: Part 2: Example for Capacity Building for Hand Hygiene with YouTube-Videos outside of Health Care Facilities (Video <2min by La Isla Foundation) [Video]
- Flashmeeting: How can a triggered response for member states lead to capacity building material usable for WHO Health and Poverty? How can the strucure of selected WHO Capacity Building Programmes be transfered to AT6FUI Capacitiy Building with an OpenContent Licensing Model? Quality Assurance of Capacity Buildung.
- 1:40pm India - Early Warning & Response Communicable Diseases
- Part 1: AT6 & beyond: India and EWARS Project - Introduction (10min) Dr. Ajit Babu, 2007 invited AT6 Participant of India) [Video][Presentation]
- Part 2: EWARS Pilot Study in Kerala, Prof. Dr. Biju Soman [Video][Presentation]
- Part 3: Digital Image Processing for Remote Sensing Applications (Prof. Dr. Katiyar, Department of Civil Engineerin, Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal, India) [Video][Presentation]
- Flashmeeting: with Dr. Ajit N. Babu, Prof. Dr. S. K. Katiyar, Dr. Biju Soman (Network Node, India)
Response Measures - Structure of Public local Early Warning and Response
- 2:40am Coffee Break (Flashmeeting is still open during Coffee Break)
- 3:10pm Living Labs - Research and Implementation Enviroment for Spatial Public Health Technology
- Part 1: Introduction: Link between Living Labs & Last Mile Problem Embedding of Living Labs in the Decision Support Framework by Engelbert Niehaus. Video approved by Marlien Herselman [Video][Presentation]
- Part 2: Living Labs and Living Labs Network in Southern Africa by Marlien Herselman [Video]
- Flashmeeting: with Prof. Dr.Dr. Marlien Herselman, CSIR South Africa, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University South Africa, Stella Ouma, Edna Chelule
- 4:00pm Social Media and Public Health Risk Mapping (Dr. Kerstin Dennecke m-Eco-Project)
- Part 1: Social Media and Public Health Mapping, part 1, by Dr. Kerstin Dennecke [Video] [Presentation]
- Part 2: Social Media and Public Health Mapping, part 2, by Dr. Kerstin Dennecke [Video] [Presentation]
- Part 3: Social Media and Public Health Mapping, part 3, by Dr. Kerstin Dennecke [Video] [Presentation]
- Flashmeeting: with Dr. Kerstin Dennecke Results of m-Eco and options for combining the m-Eco-Results spatial Public Health Risk Mapping and Spatial Decision Support Systems.